

Lipsense All-Day Lipstick Review

I wanted to write a blog post on a product called Lipsense.  It is a long lasting lipstick that I’ve been wearing for the last two weeks.  I am hosting a Lipsense party on January 19th and I wanted write about my experience so I can share it with my friends.  Interested in ordering but don’t live close?  Don’t worry.  Lipsense can be mailed to you!

I’m going to try and organize my thoughts the best I can.  Let’s start with the colors.

I have purchased three Lipsense colors (If you are reading this Katee Bake, I’m sorry I bought from another consultant.  I caved when I was at my Jamberry party and another Lipsense consultant was there.  It is hard being around so many pretty lip colors).

Here I am wearing Sheer Berry:

Here I am wearing Precious Topaz:

Here I am wearing Mauve Ice:

When I first decided I wanted to try Lipsense (after watching a ton of You Tube videos on the application process) I knew I wanted a color that would stand out.  If I’m going to wear lipstick then I want it to be noticeable.  So far I have not had much success in all-day wear as the color just doesn’t stay on my lips after eating/drinking throughout the day.  I wanted to try some lighter colors in hopes that might help with all-day wear and it does.  The darker the lip color, the more likely you are to notice if it wears off throughout the day.

Now, I have been told that your lips go through an exfoliation process when you start using the Lipsense product and once I’m fully through that process then I’ll have better luck with all-day wear.  I did have some lip peeling early on.  Sometimes when I wear it for several hours it will feel a bit grainy.  So I don’t think I’m fully through the exfoliation process.  It isn’t bad enough that I have stopped wearing my Lipsense.  But, I do think I prefer wearing it for shorter periods of time.

So, how does Lipsense work?  You will need a color and a gloss.  The color is what stays on your lips and you seal in the color with the gloss.  As needed, you re-apply gloss throughout your day.  Ideally, you shouldn’t have to re-apply your color but if you need to, you can.  In one swift motion, you apply the color in three layers (This is where watching You Tube videos worked out well).  If you do a back-and-forth motion like you would with normal lipstick then you risk getting streaks.  You must let your lips dry between each coat and you want your lips to be VERY dry after your third coat.  Oh and it is important not to let your lips touch while you are applying your color.  It’s kind of sticky and it might cause streaks.

Once you have applied your three layers and it is completely dry, you then apply your gloss.  There are no rules to applying the gloss just make sure you get it everywhere so it seals the color fully.  You can re-apply gloss after eating/drinking an anytime your lips feel dry.  I found when I started using Lipsense that my lips felt dry.  The gloss has some really great stuff in it that helps with the dryness.  I used to wear a lot of chapstick but I find my lips aren’t as dry since using Lipsense.  When I’m not wearing color, I wear the gloss.  I also purchased some lip balm from Lipsense that I wear that when I am not wearing the color.  It keeps my lips feeling good.

Something else I should note.  The product has a cosmetic grade alcohol in it as it is designed to last you several months.  When you apply the color you need to shake it first.  This helps re-distribute the alcohol.  I think there is a little bit of a taste when you first apply your Lipsense color.  I noticed the taste got better when I shook my color tube a different way than I was after looking at a video online.  I think overtime you just get used to the taste and it isn't as noticeable as it was before.  Because of the alcohol you might get a little bit of a sting when first applying and I feel this more so when my lips are super dry or if I am re-applying color later in the day.

Okay, here are some photos of my first time wearing my Sheer Berry all day.  I documented my day with photos.

Photo taken at 9:21am.  A fresh application.

Photo taken at 11:45am.  This was after drinking water and coffee.


Photo taken at 3pm.  This was after eating lunch and drinking a pop.  You can see the color is starting to come off around the “water line” on the inner part of the lips.  This is where the Lipsense wears off the quickest on both the water line and the corners of my mouth.  I had also not yet re-applied the gloss as you can see my lips look dry.


Photo taken at 4:19pm. Here is where I re-applied my color over the exiting color already on my lips since I was attending an evening out.

Photo taken at 8:24pm.  This was after eating and drinking and where my lips felt very dry.  You can see again the color in the waterline is gone and my lips are very flaky.  I actually ended up removing the color and just applying lip gloss for the remainder of the night.  At the time I felt like it looked terrible.  Now I don’t think it looks too bad in the photo.  But, it’s not as pretty as a fresh application.

Despite struggling with all-day wear, I do love my Lipsense.  Your results may be more successful so please don’t not try it just because of my experience.  There are a lot of people out there that have had a lot of great success with all-day wear. 

Here are the colors Lipsense offers.  It is a very popular product so you may find that some colors are out of stock.  As you can see, there is a huge assortment of colors to choose from.




What is the cost?  Each color is $25 + tax and each gloss is $20 + tax (there is a variety of glosses but I've only used the glossy gloss).  To get started you will want to buy a starter collection bundle for $55 + tax.  The bundle includes one color, one gloss, and one Oops remover.  You will need the remover so you can remove your Lipsense color at the end of the day and also so you can correct any mistakes you make when applying your color.  Sometimes we draw outside the line so the remover is needed.  You shouldn't have to buy another remover but if you do it sells for $10 + tax.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  I have a fantastic Lipsense consultant that can answer your questions.  And, if you would like to buy some of the product when I have my party, let me know.  You can find a lot of reviews online as well has several application videos. 

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