

Weekly WI: Down 2.4 Pounds

My WI this week went smashing. I was super excited about my 2.4 pound loss. I am super focused on getting out of the 240s so I'm tracking again this week. Tracking was the key to my success. Well, that and making up my mind ahead of time and sticking to it. Success feels so much better than defeat!

We had a great meeting about reflecting on 2016 coming to an end. The question was: Where were you last year vs. this year? Was it where you thought you would be? There was some great shares and spanned the who spectrum. Since my 10 year WW Anniversary is a very short four weeks away, I had some thoughts to share as well and as always received such wonderful support. That is why I go to my WW meeting. They are my people and they understand me.

The only negative about a 2.4 pound loss is that I lost one Daily Smart Point Value from my daily allotment. The smaller you get, the less daily points they give you. I know from past experience that I lose better when I eat all the points allowed to me so even though I lost one daily point, I still have 42 weekly points.

We also talked about our abundance of snow and the ways we have been able to get extra activity in:


On the snow front, I have good news. I made some calls and not only got the approval from the HOA board for snow removal but as my neighbor Trini and I were out shoveling the main road entrance/exit, the ACHD plow truck came by and told us he would plow and sand the area. 

Oh My Gosh! That was the best news all day and I was filled with joy. I'll be honest, this snow over the last few days and the fear of getting stuck has made for some restless sleep. I was exhausted last night at 9pm so I took a three hour nap. I'm so thankful I can get in/out of my neighborhood. I'm still going to look into studded tires though. I feel like I could use the extra traction.

Hopefully you won't have to listen to anymore snow woes. But, I'm not making any promises. I might cave in a weak moment.

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