

Kaminsky FTO Training In Coeur d' Alene

It has been a super busy and very stressful week.  So I'm sorry I have not had a chance to check in.  This training was the hardest training I have ever had and the hardest I have had to work for a certificate.  But, I did.  It's over with and now I can go back to my cushy night shift hours and easier workload than the last few days.

And I get to see Kenyon.  Unfortunately my flight is delayed so it will be even longer until I can see him.

The course I just completed was Kaminsky Field Training Officer Seminar and is required attendance to become a trainer in the dispatch center.  The class is geared more towards officers than dispatchers but I wasn't the only dispatcher in the class.  There was one from Washington and one from Clearwater County in Orefino, Idaho.  There was also a few detention jail deputies from various counties around the state and we had police officers and deputy jailers from Montana.  We spent mostly of our time this week in groups and I really enjoyed my group (well, one guy was bugging us all by the end of the week).  

I was one of four women in a class among 32 men so we never had to wait in line to use the bathroom.  And, when you attend officer trainings vs. dispatch trainings, there is much more eye candy.  I got the charger stuck in the snow/slick parking lot and was thankful my team mates helped rescue me.

The Fish and Game office that hosted us provided lunch each day as part of our registration fee.  We were joking how we all expected Dominos or Subway but we actually ate like kings and queens this week.  Twice the meal was catered by Cafe Rio and one day was Meltz Xtreme Grilled Cheese.  We had sandwiches from a local shop and some really yummy BBQ one day that included pulled pork.  We were spoiled.

I ate my breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express where I stayed and was pleasantly surprised by the breakfast options.  They have a healthy start meal plan that includes egg white omelets, turkey, sausage, and one day ham steaks.  The omelets were really delicious.  I also had oatmeal one day.

I swayed from my plan of healthy eating and activity after day one.  I really struggled with exhaustion from trying to turn my sleep around and also exhaustion from all the stress of the class.  I did my fair share of stress eating and also indulged in sugar more than once this week.  I've noticed I seem to be craving sugar now that I've eating out all week.  I'm looking forward to getting back on track with my eating ASAP.

I've also got to get my schedule turned back around for the three days of work this week.  I'm taking Friday off for my Jamberry Ladies Night get together so I'll have three days off this week.  I am looking toward to some much needed downtime and time with Kenyon.

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