

Weekly-Wi & Goal For The Week

My weigh-in this week was only so-so.  I had another tiny gain (0.2 pounds) but after having two weeks of tiny gains, it definitely makes me re-evaluate my focus.  My goal for this week is as follows:


And, just two days in I’ve already had to remind myself that honest tracking doesn’t mean I need to be miserable and not eat something I am craving.  It just means that I have to be honest in my tracking even if it is high in points.  I’m happy to report that I had a successful afternoon of re-directing my food thoughts and I’m feeling super motivated today.


I had been thinking about having lunch at Costa Vida after my WW meeting and was pre-planning my other meals around the high point lunch.  After I finished visiting with my leader Donna and the receptionist Echo, I wasn’t feeling super hungry so decided to just drive home and fix something to eat there.  I had to stop into the Target on Chinden and once I left there I started to feel really hungry.  Costa Vida was again on the table for lunch, however, I knew going home and fixing myself a lower point meal would be the best decision.  So, home I went.  And I ate a very yummy 8 point breakfast of my usual potatoes, pepper, chicken sausage, and eggs. 

I also picked up some lunch meat at Target (thank goodness for a decent grocery sections as it saved me from thinking up a meal idea) and made a sandwich for one of my meals and I have chicken and frozen veggies for my second meal.  Lastly, I’ve got yogurt and fruit if I need something before I go to bed.  I’ve also packed my workout clothes so I can get in a workout after my shift.

Our meeting topic today was about spring and I’m just as anxious as the rest of you for warmer weather.  We are also starting a new charm challenge that if you attend four of six meetings you get a cute little spring charm.  I’m super excited!  I love my WW bling…this you all know!

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