

National Telecommunication Week Comes To A Close

This past week was National Telecommunications Week where each year our police, fire, and emergency services dispatchers are recognized for their service.  It always a fun week where you get extra spoiled.  This week was no exception!

On Friday was our annual BBQ/party and our night shift supervisors made it really fun and special.  We had a whole slew of troopers come I to visit us and they even brought gifts!


Team Pattis brought us some Rockstar energy drinks since we are all “ROCKSTARS” .  I never had energy drinks but since they were sugar free, we opened a few and tasted them.  OMG they are delicious!  Then, I didn’t feel so good…sort of like I was drunk.  Once it wore off I drank more and then didn’t feel good.  I think I better lay off the energy drinks and just stick to coffee.
Ashleigh and Me

We played Peeps jousting which is where you pick a Peep and put a toothpick in it.  You square off against a partner by putting two on a plate and into the microwave.  Whoever’s Peep hits the other ones first with their “joust” wins.  We ended up playing several rounds and the final winner was Trooper Crapo.   She was stoked.


It is a pleasure to work for this agency.  I love my coworkers and my troopers!

My "thin gold line" among the blue line headband

Me, Kenia, Sierra

Photo Bombed by Ashleigh
Trooper Crapo, Sgt. Pattis, Ashleigh, Me

Shauna, Ashleigh, Me

Shauna, Trooper McConnell, Me

DeLisa, Shauna, John H., Me
To all those that dispatch…THANK YOU for all you do to keep your officers, fireman, and emergency services personnel safe.

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