

Weekly WI: Finally A Good Sized Loss!

After my re-focus last week, I had a 2.8 pound loss at my WW meeting.  I knew late last week that my weight had come back down from my Tuesday WI and so I was able to lose an additional pound once all that excess water weight dropped off.  I am happy with my loss.  My home scale is once again reflecting the 220s but I missed it at my WW meeting as my official WW weight on their scale is 230.4.  I am going to stay mindful while on vacation and see if I can manage to come home with a maintain (or even a loss).

I am going to have my measurements taken on Thursday at my personal training session so I’ll pop in and share those results with you as well.  It has been 19 weeks since I re-committed to both my WW meetings and signed up with Tyson.  I’ve lost 17 pounds over those 19 weeks.  I am really happy about that progress.  I’m hopeful for inches lost all over like my last two measurements.  It is at least something to look forward to for sure!

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