

Monday On A Friday

For most of you in Internet Land, it is your Friday.  For me, it is my Monday.  My new days off are Tuesday – Thursday so I’m starting my work week today.  It has been a busy day so far as I’ve been at work already dealing with our dispatch recruitment video.  We got some great shots today.
I had a wonderful few days off and really soaked up the downtime.  Tuesday Kenyon and I had our 4th of July festivities.  First up was dinner at Tucanos.  Then we met up with my neighbors for our block party.  It was nice meeting the neighbors.  I had two beers, two shots, and a small sno cone.  I was patting myself on the back that I didn’t engage in any of the treats on the food table.  Then, I factored that all of that was 16 SPV!!  Sheesh.  Regardless, it was still a win in my book.
Ready for Date Nite

Ready to party

Wednesday I got my hair cut and then met up with Brenda and Phoenix for a drink at The Homestead.  I tried a really yummy Pineapple Cider.  I was trying to talk myself out of eating pizza (huge cravings!!) and noticed the happy hour food menu had homemade chips and tzatziki sauce.  So, we shared some as a table.  We agreed that it was just so-so but we still managed to eat most of it!  Brenda invited me to dinner at her house, which was much healthier than pizza.  We had left over pork skewers and Mexican salad.  I’ll have to re-create the Mexican salad as it was delicious. 
We went over to Phoenix’s boyfriend’s house, a close neighbor to Brenda, and visited for a bit before I called it quits and headed home.  My neighbor was home so we had a beer and visited for a little bit.  It was nice to get caught up since it has been a while since we have both been off work on the same day.
The rest of my weekend was spent watching a lot of TV.  I am currently in season five of Breaking Bad.  It has been really good so I am anxious to see how it ends.

Despite drinking a good majority of calories/points this weekend, I tracked it all and I didn’t allow myself to engage in any undocumented eating.  I have some meals planned the next few days so I am hoping for a nice sized loss.
With that, it is back to the grind today.

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