

On The Fence

I’m on the fence about keeping my personal training sessions (for at least the short term).  I was feeling confident in my decision to suspend that expense right now.  Then today, I have a great workout and that makes me re-think if suspending it is the right decision.


Last week, I started looking at our finances with our upcoming travel on the near horizon.  I started to get nervous and anxious that we didn’t have enough saved.  Despite my best efforts to keep my spending in check this last month (which I did GREAT), I didn’t do so good with my spending in the months prior.  So, I’ve been looking over my personal budget on where I can help save some money.

Obviously, there are items I can cut out (Starbucks…please don’t leave me) but when I think more on what I want to cut out, eliminating all those little expenses make me sad and I just don’t want to.  So that leaves the easiest expense to cut, my training sessions.  If I forgo the next two rounds (about 12 weeks of training) plus some extra money I have allocated elsewhere, I can save $1005.  And, I could really use that money for our vacation.

Today, despite not really feeling the workout vibe, I did 30 assisted pull ups on the machine (three sets of 10) and I felt like a rock start.  That is why I’m once again conflicted.  The workouts are good for me. 

I’m not saying I'm going to give up personal sessions will forever, at least I don’t anticipate it.  If I do quit all together, I think I’ll have to re-start at a higher fee, thus, another conflict with suspended the sessions now.  I’ve got one more week of paid sessions so I've got a little more time to think it over.  I know these training sessions have been part of the equation for my weight loss but it isn’t the whole picture.  I’ll have to really keep myself accountable (which is why I pay somebody else to do that job) and continue with my healthy living goals. 

I know I can do it on my own, so it is time to DO IT!

Side note: My Apple Watch showed me I earned an award yesterday.  I have met my daily movement activity goal a total of 500 times.  I went back to see what I actually got my Apple Watch and it appears it has almost been two years. 

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