

Weekly WI: The Losses Keep Coming

I had a great WI today, down 1.2 pounds.  I lost a total of 4 pounds this month.  I’ve definitely seen better success since my days off changed and my “weekend” no longer falls right before my WI.  I’m happy with my progress. 

My home scale also registered a new low weight record.


And I appeared to have lost one of my daily point allowance.  As you get smaller (or older) you should expect to see your daily points decrease.

Our meeting topic today was fruit and veggies.  Our new leader Tammy made it so much fun!  She had a big basket of fruit and veggies, some she bought and some she grew in her garden, and passed them out as our usual Bravo stars.  If you shared, you got to pick a fruit or a veggie.  Then, she would ask about recipie ideas and/or how we liked to eat said item.  It was awesome.  After, she said we could take something as we left.  I already had cherries from home and I was eyeing the grapes since I like fruit more than veggies.  But, then I spotted the sugar snap peas and thought they would go well with my planned Jimmy John’s sandwich that I picked up on my way to work. 


It was a tasty meal.

Now I am counting down the hours until quitting time and I can start my three-day stay-cation.  Also, 37 days until vacation.

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