

Days Off Fun

I am starting a 7-day stretch at work and was one of a few that had two days off beforehand so I made the most of my free time.

Tuesday, Kenyon and I met with our travel agent Rachel to talk more about our Europe River Cruise next year and which cities we would like to visit pre and post cruise.  Kenyon and I need to talk more and come up with a game plan so Rachel can put together an estimate of hotel rooms, train passes, attractions, etc.  Not knowing how much it will all cost does stress me out a bit.  So, as long as we start early, we’ll have plenty of time to iron out the plans and save up money.  Afterwards, we had dinner at Sizzler (steak and salad bar for $9.99) and stopped into Shapiro in the mall to look closer at the different packing cubes.

We met Phoenix and her boyfriend Stacey for a beer at Slanted Rock.  One beer turned into two and we had a great time.


Wednesday, I spent some time with my nieces as my sister and parents had something to tend do.  We had lunch at Costa Vida and then frozen yogurt at Le Crème. 


Since we had to be back home to meet up with Katie and my parents, we ran my car through the car wash and then headed that way.  The girls were begging to stay the night, which I couldn’t promise them that, but I did tell them they could hang out longer.  We went to Wahooz for their $18.99 cheap Wednesday deal and had a ton of fun.


They wore me out and I didn’t really want to give up my only other day off so I ran them home after.  I ended my night on the couch wanting Bachelor in Paradise and The Story of Diana.  I also met Kenyon for a midnight meal at IHOP for some pancakes and strawberry syrup.

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