

Weekly WI: Working Off Vacation Weight

I had meant to check in yesterday after my WW meeting. It ended up being a busy day.

I had met with my WW leader Donna on Monday for coffee. I knew she had taken a leave of absense the last few months and was curious on her decision to continue with her meetings. Sadly, next Tuesday is her last meeting. I am so sad to see her go but also very happy for her. I will make sure we stay in tough and get together often. She has been so important to me and my WW journey. I was talking in the meeting with other members and one said Donna is the only leader she has had. I remember the impact losing my first leader had on me. The new leader is a brand new leader with WW so we are anxious to meet her. Thankfully I am able to attend Donna's last meeting next week.

When I arrived home from vacation, I debated getting on the scale. On one hand I knew I needed to get back on track ASAP and seeing the scale number can help my mindset. On the other hand, I didn't know if I wanted to see the number. I ended up gaining 7.3 pounds on vacation. They say you gain an average of one pound a day on a cruise. I guess that was true for me. I knew it was mostly temporary and perhaps only actually gained 2 pounds. I got my tracker out on Sunday and re-focused. When I did my home WI on Tuesday before me meeting, 5.3 pounds had already dropped off. Donna gave me a 5 pound star in my meeting when I was talking about my temporary weight. I always feel is is temporary but only if you get yourself back on track right away.

I had a noon hair appointment with a new gal I'm trying out (cheaper than my last hair dresser and a more friendly environment) and then met my mom and Emma for a movie. We saw the new Reese Witherspoon movie, Home Again. It was cute. Emma did good despite being bored and having no interest in the movie. She was home from school with an eye infection but didn't want to miss out on any fun. We met Dad after for ice cream at DQ and then I ran errands at Costco, Fred Meyer, and Walmart. It is nice to have groceries in the house again.

My eating yestereday was crazy but that is always the good thing about a new day. I get to start fresh. I have a training for work this afternoon and then I am back to work starting tomorrow. This is my last week of a mix of swing shift/graveyard shift and then my aunt, mom, sister Jenny, and I all head to Missouri to see our family in both Kansas City and Lebanon. When I return from MO on October 6th, I'll officialy be back on day shift. You don't know how happy this makes me feel. Just the extra pep in my step I get being up when the sun is speaks volumes. Of course Fall means early sun set but that is okay. I am just happy to be back on a normal shift. Sadly, not weekends off but that is okay. I am not a stagnant person and being on graves for the last nine months has been rough. I am hoping next year I can bid two day shift rotations and two graveyard rotations. That will also work best with Kenyon.

Now, after rotating to a day shift for vacation, I gotta rotate back to a grave shift for my last week. I'm not having much luck staying awake really late these days.

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