

Reflecting On The Last Several Years Of Weight Loss

I read a really great blogpost from Katie at Runs for Cookies titled “What I Wish I Knew When I Started Losing Weight.”  It worth the read as she has some great insight.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my weight loss over this past month since I’m hanging onto my vacation weight.  On top of that, I’m really struggling with getting back on track and back into weight loss mode.  Last week after my WW meeting, I looked back at my weight tracker for October 2016.  It is no surprise that I didn’t WI much in the month of October or November in 2016.  This year, September was a busy month with vacations but each year the month of October is just really busy/fun with social activities.  So, it isn’t also surprising that I weighed in less that month because most likely the scale would show a gain.

Now that I’m back on day shift, I am remember that it feels harder to lose weight on day shift than when I am on night shift.  I struggle with meal planning and cooking dinner for both Kenyon and I.  When I am on night shift, I’m usually cooking for just me because I’m eating most of my meals at work.  I also prefer to exercise before I start my day than at the end of the day.  When my wake up call for day shift is 4am, getting up any earlier is usually a no-go.

My WI for October 3, 2016 was 245.8 and my WI last week was 231.6.  Despite hanging onto vacation weight, I am still down in 2017 vs. 2016, which makes me pleased.  Even though I’ve been a WW member for almost 11 years, I still need to step back and see the big picture when it comes to perspective.  I also made a comparison photo after my birthday.  The photo on the left is my original before photo taken on my 27th birthday and the months prior to joining WW.  The photo on the right is my 38th birthday.

When I think back to my 30th birthday, the days of being below my goal weight, I know I was happy.  

30th Birthday Celebration

But, I can’t say that I was any more or less happier than I am now 8 years later.  If anything, I might be even more happier than my happy back then.  I love the life I have built and I am happy every day for better health so I can enjoy life to the fullest.  I have a wonderful husband (like seriously, I won the lottery) who is very patient with my short comings and loves me unconditionally and at every size.  I have a loving and supportive family (even when siblings argue).  I have a great group of friends whom enjoy my continuous social outing request.  I have a good paying job that I’m fairly decent at.  We built a house I love.  And lastly, I have no woes with age 40 quickly approaching.

With all of those things that are good in my life, why do I waste the energy worrying about my weight so much? 

My weight flux may be something I deal with for the rest of my life.  I was at goal once so I am often optimistic I can get there again and even stay there this time.  I just don’t want it to rule so much of my life.  I’ve got to find a better balance between weight loss and life.  I know if I continue the path of reckless eating that I’ll soon find myself back at 304 pounds. 

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