

Weekly WI: Phit-N-Phat Podcast

I faced the scale at home yesterday.  Oy!  I'm up 9.8 pounds over the last six weeks, which is when I reached 220 on my home scale. 

Looking back over my weight record, I see that since September 17th, the WI after our NYC/New England vacation, I am up 0.3 pounds.  Clearly, the bulk of my weight gain is from our big vacation.  I did have fun on vacation so that counts for something.  .  I'd like to say I'll bust it out and lose these 9 pounds ASAP but my track record for losing weight quickly has been less than stellar.  All I can do is re-focus and continue to stay on track.

It is feedback but not the end-all-be-all.  And I already feel a little better in my clothing since getting back on track. 

I’ve been listening to a new-to-me podcast called Phit-N-Phat with Corrine Crabtree, who lost 100 pounds and has kept if off for 12-years.  Her co-host Kathy, has lost 80 pounds.  It is really helping me out mentally and I’m so glad I found out about it on Facebook.  They aren’t saying anything new or enlightening but it is helping me to re-connect with my past self and remember the weight loss journey I took in the beginning.  I want to zone in on those tools that made me successful and getting my mind in gear really helps do that.

Plus, Corrine is hilarious!  She throws out a cussword here and there and it makes me smile.  She is very real and honest, which I really like.  You can check out her website here ß

1 comment:

  1. I love how you said, "cuss word here and there." LOL Thanks for listening.

    Stay with today. You will lose the vacation weight. I always give myself 1.5 times the days I travelled to see the bloat come off. And focusing on what you can do each will keep you on the right track!
