

Weekly WI & A Therapy Session

I skipped the scale after doing my WI at home and about having a heart attack. It was a very poor week of eating/drinking and it sure did show on the scale. I'm working hard this week on my mindset to turn things around. Of course, now that I am working on re-focusing, the new Cheerios Peanut Butter and Chocolate cereal is finally on the shelf. I've been looking for it for weeks and only now that I am working harder on cleaning up my eating, are they available. I didn't buy any yesterday and if I am tempted, I'll have to run the points and decide from there.

Gretchen was our WW substitute leader at the meeting yesterday and it was good to see her. She referred to me when we were talking about the mindset needed to lose weight and that opened the door for me to share. Obviously, since I'd skipped the scale, there was a light weighing on my mind. I love WW meetings so much and it was nice to get some of it out amongst those that understand my struggles. After my share, a member named Jackie suggested exchanging numbers so I could call when I'm tempted to eat said splurge and talk through the emotions. That was so sweet of her and we exchanged numbers. I'll have to call and check in with her this week (and share my passing up Cheerios).

We talked about having a plan and I have some events scheduled this week so a plan will indeed be needed. I've also got to do some meal planning/prep so when I come home from work tired, I'm still at least ahead of the game as far as making something healthy.


Official WW Email Has Arrived!

I got the official email from WW that changes are coming:

Hi Lindsay,


We'll be announcing something this week!
  • More freedom to eat delicious, satisfying foods
  • More flexibility for the days when you need it most
  • Less counting and more living!

The best part of that email is “less counting and more living!”  Sign me up!

I have been waaaaaaay off track.  And, I wish I could blame it on just Thanksgiving but my poor eating and lack of accountability started early last week.  There has been many beers drank and many desserts eaten.  I have had fun and I’ve enjoyed it (minus the times I went overboard) but now I am really feeling it in my jeans.  And, the more I think about my weight loss the more I really want to reclaim my 100 pounds lost (25ish pounds to go). 

I’m going to give the program changes a real go when it rolls out and I’m considering tracking via the app.  I do love to paper track but I’m thinking like I need to refresh myself with point values and make sure I’m not only on track but tracking correctly. 

I’m really glad I went to my meeting last week.  I was feeling pretty down in the dumps but knew I needed my meeting AND I am trying to earn the holiday meeting charm so I also needed to go.  I’m excited to see my Tuesday AM members and leader this week as I have missed them.  In January I’ll be back on night shift at work and I will be having to attend another meeting.  I’m debating going to my usual Monday night meeting or branching out to another day/time/center.  I will have weekends off so it makes a Monday WI a little tough (let’s be honest, I am not very good at staying on track on days off).

As we approach the Christmas holiday season, I want to feel confident in my clothes.  I don’t really feel that way right now.  I’m not sure yet if I’ll have Christmas Day off but seeing my family is also very important.  I know I’ve lost weight since last year but the extra vacation weight I’m still holding on to weights heavy on me (pun intended).  I say all the time I need to get refocused and stay focused and it is time to just DO it!