

Weekly Wi: Flo Pass

I skipped out of my weekly WI yesterday.  It was a combo of the scale at home being up again and me not wanting to take a hit at the WW scale again.  And, I wanted to wear my Flo costume.  It was a big hit with my WW members.  Sadly, my leader Donna was gone so the substitute leader got to enjoy it.

I’m working harder this week to combat these gains and I’ll force myself to WI next week regardless.  I don’t want to keep gaining weight but I am also feeling so deflated right now.

I had my annual physical at the OBGYN today.  We talked briefly about my weight loss over the last year and the change in my thyroid meds.  She congratulated me on losing and reminded me that November is here and it is a fresh new month, perfect for getting back into weight loss mode/mentality.  It is nice to have support from all areas.

I’m off work on Thursday and having a belated birthday lunch with my friend Rebecca.  This should be the last of the birthday celebrations/freebie food.  I also don’t have many social events planning in the coming month, but one never knows with me.  So, I’ll keep working at shifting that mindset. 

I’ve got my tracker back out and that is the first step!  I’ve also mapped out some classes at the gym this coming week.

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