

WI: It's A Roller Coaster For Sure

I’m glad I went to my WW meeting today.  When it comes to the scale, it isn’t as bad as you think it is going to be.


I went to the monthly cholesterol screening at Central District Health.  It’s been at least a year since I’ve had my cholesterol checked and perhaps even more.  When I decided it might be a good idea to check in on the status, I wasn’t holding onto vacation weight.  So, I don’t know what to expect.  But, as said above…it isn’t as bad as you think.  Hopefully all will be well.  My blood pressure was good so I can check that off the list. 

There is a new charm up for grabs if you attend four out of six meetings.  The incentive is to keep people coming over the Thanksgiving month and you get a bonus if you attend Thanksgiving week.  I don’t see any conflicts but if there is one with my Tuesday AM meeting, I’ll pop into another day/time/location.  I want that charm!

I was talking with Kenyon over a late lunch about my weight gain and took some screen shots of my weight record.  It sure does look like a roller coaster!

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