

The Eve Of Christmas And Some Tough Feelings

Good Morning and Happy Christmas Eve!!  I’m ready for time with family tomorrow.  What are your plans?

We are having a mini team celebration in dispatch this morning with an ornament exchange.  I also picked up some donuts and chocolate milk on my way into work.  I’m going to skip the treats though since Christmas Day fest ivies commence tomorrow.  I realized for tracking purposes, my WW week starts on Monday so today is technically the end of one week and Christmas Day will be the start of the next.  Since my WI is on Tuesday morning, I do plan to keep my Christmas Day splurging to a minimum.

Without bringing the spirits of the season down a notch with some negative headspace (which is better as I’ve been awake for a few hours)…I got on this scale this morning and once again, I saw no loss.  No gain, but also no loss.

I was upset and am feeling very deflated.  I keep reading success stories where people on the plan for their first week lose 10 pounds or even 12 pounds.  In our meeting this last week, the leader pointed out that of our 30+ pounds loss that we only had 9 pounds gained.  That definitely speaks volumes for the success of the program and overall, WW Freestyle is a great program.  Where is my roaring success? 

The tagline for the new Freestyle program is that you have more freedom.  I’m starting to feel as though WW Freestyle doesn’t fit into my life and instead of more freedom, I feel more trapped.  My life right now involves social gatherings as well as alcohol.  And, I love to eat out, which I’ve done for years while on the WW program.  It is always about making it all fit into the program and your points.  WW Freestyle is starting to feel like I have to be 100% perfect and only eat 0 SPV foods if I expect not to gain.  I know that isn’t the reality but that is my current perception. 

I cried while I was in the shower this morning.  Real and honest tears I’ve not cried since my last weight loss journey.  I guess that is a good thing because it means I am committed to figuring out how the new Freestyle program works for me.

I’ve gotten it all out and now I just have to keep going.  I won’t know more how things are going to shake out until I’ve given it a good month or so.  You can never tell anything by just one week.  So, onward we go.


  • At least it is a maintain, not a gain.  I feel like I was being very mindful this week and trying to balance my party food and alcohol.  I know how I had not focused on staying the course, I would have gained for sure.

  • Even though the scale didn’t move, my body feels smaller overall.
  • I had three days of collecting blue dots, which mean I ate within a healthy range of points (10 under – 5 over).  I’m going to try for Day 4 but today isn’t over yet. 

My goal this week is to increase the amount of blue dots by at least one.  I am also setting a goal of getting back into activity.  I wanted to focus more on food this last week than activity but next week I’m headed back to the gym for classes.  Maybe I can talk Kenyon into a mall walk too.

This is a process and it takes time.  The worst thing I can do right now is eat my feelings.  So, I’m putting this all out there so I can stay positive and move on.

Thanks for listening.


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