

Another Day At The Gym

It sure does take a lot of effort to get yourself to the gym, but once I’m done with my workout, I am so glad I made myself go!  The class I took earlier in the night was the Tai Box Cardio class which is the kick boxing class.  I really enjoy it and felt it was a nice workout for my arms since the class I took Wednesday night left my leg muscles sore.  If the weather cooperates, I think I’ll go for a walk tomorrow even if it is just a small walk to shake out my legs.
We are supposed to have beautiful weather and temps in the 50s on Sunday so I’m planning to get outside that day for sure.  When you work graveyard, you aren’t awake during much of the daylight hours so I’m going to try to get myself outside and enjoy the afternoon sunshine.
I’m working on a blogpost for my 11 year WW Anniversary.  I can’t believe it has been that long.  It is crazy how time flies.

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