

Extra Money But No WW Meeting This Week

I had to cancel my WW meeting plans as there was an emergency at work and they needed coverage.  OT on a holiday is a good payout and I wasn’t looking at a loss, so I took the OT.

I met Kenyon for Mexican after my shift and blew through my points rather quick.  It was more a matter of eating a high amount of points and then feeling very hungry for the remainder of the night.  I really struggled with if I should go over my points and not get my blue dot or not.

I found this on Instagram:


I thought it to be true.  Healthy living comes down to what you do most of the time.  And, if I’m staying within my points and earning those blue dots most of the time, I’m on the right track.  I ended up earning my blue dot after all.  I ate some turkey breast and an apple and also had some non-fat Greek yogurt and strawberries.

I’m training at work this week so my schedule is a bit mixed up.  I hate being out of a routine but I’ll muddle through.  I already miss coming in at 8pm (I’m on swing shift coming in at 4pm this week).  I have to stop at so many red traffic lights and the call volume is so much busier.  I’ll be happy to be back on graves next week.

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