


When I was training one of our new dispatchers during the Phase 2 training, I noticed I was hitting my daily movement target on my Apple Watch each day without having to exercise. After those four weeks ended, I took note that I wasn't hitting my daily target anymore. Since going back to graveyard, it feels even harder to meet that goal unless I exercise, mostly due to the hours of work and the watch changing over at midnight.

This week I have been training a Phase 4 trainee who happens to be the same trainee I had in Phase 2. I'm not sure if that is related exactly or not, but this week I noticed I've been hitting my daily activity goal once again just during my work hours. Some of that could be that I go into work at 4pm and am waking up at 1pm so I'm moving more before my watch changes over at midnight. But, I'm feeling like some of that has to also do with stress. I know stress is not good for your body and is really not good for weight loss. It is interesting to really see the results through just something as simple as movement. Either I'm moving more because I'm training or I'm elevating my heart rate more because of stressors.

This is really the only time I've taken note so who knows what the real answer is. I also know that when I am training, I am eating less and drinking less water. This last week the end of shift has come upon me and I've not eaten my last planned snack. I need to stay mindful of this as I will be training again after this next week.

Bottom line: it is an important lesson to take care of yourself so you can be the best self possible. I don't like living under the heavy weight of stress. I am thankful to see this week come to an end.   

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