

Adjusting To Day Shift Hours

It was a great first weekend back on day shift hours, with the exception of some trouble sleeping. That’s typical during shift change. I’ll tell ya, being awake during normal hours has already boosted my soul!

Happy Easter!! We will be at my Mom’s house later today for dinner. I’m looking forward to time with family. Here is an Easter throwback of me and my siblings.

Yesterday I met up with my sister at Expo Idaho where she had her Jamberry booth set up for the Spring Fling event. I was excited to chat with people and show off the Jamberry nail products but it was pretty dead. There was a lot of people there for the Easter egg hunt at 2 PM. But as soon as that was over they all left. We’re thinking maybe the hangup was just that it was a free event to the community and so you didn’t really get serious buyers. It was kind of a bummer and we ended up closing down early.

Afterwards I met up with Phoenix and her kids at Powderhaus, which is a brewery in town that’s on our Beer Card. I bought this card over Christmas and it has two-for-one pints at several local breweries. We were excited to try a new place and the beer was delicious. It was even semi-warm that we could sit outside on the patio. That didn’t last long though because Phoenix’s son wasn’t able to properly see his iPad. I guess when you’re 10 years old you have different priorities than when you’re almost 40 years old.

After drinking two pints of beer and trying to switch my schedule around, I came home and took a nap. That led to not sleeping well through the evening. I’m trying really hard to get my schedule switched around so I made sure I got up and around this morning. I needed to go down to Trader Joe’s to pick up some more of their light mozzarella cheese. While I was downtown I decided to treat myself to breakfast at Big City Coffee.

As I was finishing up my meal, two female Boise Police officers that were on bike patrol stopped in. They asked if they could sit with me at the long community table I was sitting at. We chatted for a little bit before I left them to enjoy their meal.

I’ve just been entertaining myself with watching TV before I head out to my parent’s house.

I could use a nap!

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