

I Have Some Shocking News For You

What I have to tell you may make you fall out of your chair.  So, before proceeding…make sure you are safe and secure.

I exercised THREE days this week.

That information is quite shocking…how did we do?  Are you still safely in your seat?

After the MS Walk on Saturday, it felt good to be active again.  I didn’t kill myself, I just moved my body.  When I got dressed for my WW meeting on Monday morning, I make sure I was also ready to go to the gym in case the mood struck.  And, since I went to the effort of putting on my workout clothes, that is exactly what I did, stopped by the gym to walk on the treadmill.

I wanted to keep the momentum going so I planned to hit up the gym for some evening classes this week.  Tuesday I went to Chisel, the weight lifting class.  I feel like I need to work on my upper arm muscles.  Of course, we did lots of weighted squats!  Wednesday I reached out to Kelsey about the Pound class so we met up for that.  It is such a fun and high energy class and I really like the instructors. 

The best part of being active again is the reward from my Apple Watch.  After one of the last major upgrades, when you complete one of your circles, it now gives you a sparkly colored one.  When you finish all three goals for the day, you get all three sparkly circles together.  It is my favorite part of the day.


Exercising isn’t easy and most days I can easily talk myself out of it.  I need to keep reminding myself that it feels good to move not matter how long, how often, or how intense.

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