

Weekly WI: Mental Block & Looking For My WW Home

My connection to my Weight Watchers meeting throughout the years has been really big for me.  I often describe it as my “home” and it is what centers me and keeps me grounded.  I’ve been feeling in limbo for a few months now.  I think partly it has to do with my most recent leader Donna officially retiring.  I am also on a day shift schedule with weekends off, which is very rare, and has thrown off my usual meeting time/day/location.  For whatever reason through, I’ve been feeling like I’m flailing around similar to a fish out of water and I so desperately need to get back into water.  My survival depends on it!

On top of feeling like I don’t have a WW home, I have been playing a lot of scale games.  Since I wanted to start doing my WI on Saturday, before I knew it, I was avoiding Saturday WI because of how my Friday would go.  I had a pep talk with myself and decided I needed to get to a meeting ASAP and I would go Monday morning, regardless of what the scale said.  Of course I was expecting the worst and I avoided my home scale just so I wouldn’t talk myself out of going to the meeting. 

Much to my surprise, I had a 1 pound loss.  I have not seen a loss in six weeks.  It felt very good and very motivating! 


As I was doing my WI, the gal weighing me in, Susan, is our territory manager and leader on Tuesday nights in Meridian.  She knows me and commented that I was confusing her by attending a meeting that wasn’t my usual.  I almost started crying when I told her I was struggling to find a meeting that fit me, a leader that I meshed with, and meeting members I could click with.  (I do love my Monday night meeting members, I’m just not crazy about the leader).  Susan highly recommended the leader, Rebecca, which I met at the Friday morning meeting a few weeks ago in Meridian.  I did like her and I really liked the meeting members in Nampa on Monday morning.  They are quite a bit older than me but I chatted with a few after the meeting.

I think I’ve found my new home.  Having a Monday WI day will hopefully keep me accountable to not letting my weekends go crazy.  You know I love to enjoy weekend activities but I also want to continue to be successful to my WW program and my weight loss journey.

After the meeting I went to Crunch Fitness and walked on the treadmill for 1.5 miles.  It felt good to be back at it.


My view from the treadmill

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