

Returning To Normal

Good Morning!

I have returned from Girls Weekend and am still trying to recover.  We had tons of fun, which I’ll recap over the next couple of day.  I have lots of fun photos to share.

I worked really hard to keep myself from going into vacation-mode too early and I am also working really hard to get myself out of vacation-mode too.  I packed myself a big ‘ol salad for lunch today.  I am planning to do my WI and meeting on Saturday morning.

Kenyon and I are on vacation starting Saturday so I’m gearing up for another few weeks out of my normal food/exercise routine.  This is going to be a very busy few weeks overall which a lot of stuff planned.  I’m going to have to work extra hard on my focus.

Looking ahead, July and August are going to be much milder.  It looks like we will have some extra overtime at work as we are losing a couple dispatchers as they start our trooper academy.  Maybe I can make some extra spending money for Europe and slow down on the social activities so I can also lose some extra weight!

It always feels like an uphill battle.

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