

Weekly WI: A Loss

It’s was a good week and I staying focused on the goals I set last Monday. It was stressful feeling like I needed to be perfect if was going to try for a three pound loss this week.

There were a couple times I’ve declined a sweet treat and also more social/eating out opportunities than I’d originally planned. I was also focused on moving more and earned several Fit Points. Those came in handy when I blew through my Weekly Points Friday and Saturday.

The stress wasn’t eased much because I have been feeling like I’m retaining water. Driving to my meeting, I don’t feel like I’d lost this week. It was a relief to step on the scale and see a 1.8 pound loss. WhooooHoooo!!

I’m not yet on the 2-teens. I’ve really got to work hard on breaking that 220 mark. I’ve been up and down many times but just can’t break it.

This week we are headed to Bend, OR for a girls week (beer....lots of beer) so I’ll have to make Monday-Thursday’s efforts really count so I can get myself a buffer. I was just telling my Mom on the phone this morning that I think I’m too social for weight loss!

The biggest Bravo from last week this wee is that I’ve tracked 100% and I’m kept myself accountable.

Perfect or not, I’m staying the course.

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