

How Is The Mental Break Going? Eh...Pretty Good

I’m still feeling a bit tired from the weekend coupled with not getting to bed at a decent hour so far this week.  I find I’m highly unmotivated!


I have not logged a weigh-in since May 14th and I’ve not logged anything in my tracker since May 23rd.  I know I am not crazy off-track but I do think I have gained some weight.  My plan is to pop into a WW meeting and get on the scale next Saturday.  I’ll deal with the “damage” then but in the meantime, I am hoping I have balanced out my food/splurges at least a little bit. 

The mental break has been good.  I do still think to myself, “I need to track that” and then I remember I’m taking a break.  Of course I can still track even if I am on a mental break.  I have not been highly motivated to return to the gym this week but my schedule does allow evening classes.  I schedule a class this evening, tomorrow, and Thursday with Kelsey at the various gym locations.  I’m also trying out a new class.  It is nice to have extra accountability (because I already texted her to cancel and she has her bag packed and is planning to go).


As far as food goes, I find that I am on track early in the day and it dwindles as the day progresses.  I’m saying no to sugar again and that makes me feel tons better.  Some days I feel really good and others I feel like I’ve gained a million pounds.  Isn’t the body so interesting?

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