

What Comes After The Climb: Thoughts On Maintaining Above Goal

I’ve been thinking a lot about weight loss and maintenance since last week.  Right now my mental state sways between hooray you maintained for a year and eventually the weight will come off with time.

What I have learned most over this last year is that while I maintained my 25 pound loss for the last year, it didn’t happen magically. 


It happened by staying focused and working on weight loss.  It meant having to take off extra weight that settled back on instead of allowing a continuous upward trend like I did from 2013-2016.  And while I had hoped to maintain once I got back under 200 pounds, maintaining around 225 pounds for the last year still feeling pretty darn good.

I still have more I want to lose.  I still want to see the scale below 200 pounds.  I still really want to re-claim my 100 pounds lost.  And I know that even if it slowly, I will get there.  I just have to keep myself from those sabotaging thoughts of “have this yummy treat…the weight will come off eventually.”  I must put in the hard work and I must stay the course so I can reach those goals I so badly want to.

Looking back at my weight record since reaching my 175 pound doctor’s goal shows how I was maintaining for a while, made an uphill climb, dropped down some in elevation, and am walking on level ground again. 


I am excited to see what another year will bring.

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