

The Annual NWCR I've Been Avoiding For The Last Four Years

I joined the National Weight Control Registry several years ago.  Since gaining some of my weight back, I have been avoiding their annual survey since 2014.  I am feeling better about my weight loss and maintenance over this last year that I decided to complete the survey.

To join the NWCR you must show you have lost at least 30 pounds and kept that weight off for a least a year.

Since this is an annual survey, it is shorter than the starting survey and it only looks at your current weight and your weight last year.

I’m down 4 pounds from last year and I'm down 26.6 pounds from two years ago.

There was a series of true/false questions and one asked:

My weight has hardly changed at all in the last ten years?

Um…I wish!  I’ve been all over the place within the last ten years. 

Despite a few more ups than downs over the last ten years, I am not 304 pounds.  And had I not had the courage to start my WW journey 11.5 years ago, I’d still be 304 pounds.  Or what is even scarier is that I might even be larger than that. 

I’ll count my blessings as I continue to navigate this journey.  I’m constantly working to find a new appreciation for myself and my WW program as the months and years go by.

You can read my past blog posts of times I’ve completed the NWCR here:

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