

Weekly WI: A Loss...Thank Goodness

I really wanted to go to a WW meeting this morning after my hair appointment, but I also was having doubts I’ve lost anything and feared I might have gained again.  I am just so bloated this week and I have no idea why.  But, the focus part of the meeting is what I was seeking and I couldn’t skip the scale since it was a new month and Lifetime members have to WI at their first meeting of the month they attend.  So, I had to weigh if I wanted the meeting topic.

I wasn’t even sure if I could make the meeting after my hair appointment but it all worked out...and I had a loss!  So, that was icing on the cake (ha, not the best analogy).  I lost 2.4 pounds.  I don’t know why but having the gain of 5 pounds made me super happy but having another gain on top of that of 1.8 pounds make me depressed.  So, I’m glad I’m back down around that 5 pound gain.  Hey, I skipped meetings for 6 weeks so a 5 pound gain is warranted.  But, that extra 1.8 was just being a jerk!  I did think it was temporary, although my weekend could have been cleaner food-wise.  

Regardless, I am on track this week and focused.  I have some meals out already planned and a possible social situation so I’m working to balance it all and keep it within my points.  I’ll also be using 0 SPV foods to help balance.  I don’t quite have a meal plan in place for this week but I’ll figure out something.  Being prepared sure does make the week so smoother.

I’ll be back at this gym today too.  My focus this week is also on getting in activity.

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