

Annual Check-Up At The Doctor

I had my annual check-up with the thyroid doctor yesterday.  I had to re-schedule it earlier since we will be out of town and I’m about out of pills.  I really love both my thyroid doc and my lady doc.  It is such a shame I only see them once a year.  I guess that means I’m on a good health track since that I don’t have to see them more often.

Dr. Ennis really liked my blood pressure numbers, my liver enzyme numbers (which I was most worried about), and my thyroid numbers look good too.  He applauded me on my 30 pound weight loss over the last two years.  I told him I’m not done yet and I really want to be under 200 pounds.  I’m going to work really hard at it when we return from Europe. 

The reason I was nervous about my liver enzymes is because I take a pill for my back pain that you shouldn’t drink much with.  And, over the summer months, I drank quite a bit.  I even had myself freaked out a month ago that I was having liver issues.  Sheesh!  I am happy the levels look good and I can continue with my social drinking. 

Not drinking has been helpful to my weight loss efforts.  I’ve also been keeping the beer at bay because I know I’ll have ample opportunities on vacation and there are many regional beers/wines I’m interested in sampling.  With the Fall months approaching, Sam Adams has released Ocotberfest, one of my favorite beers.  I went to Walmart to pick up a six pack, only to find they didn’t have any.  The Fall Beer Pack looked sooooo good that it found its way home with me. 

I’ve only had one of the Octoberfest but I look forward to trying some of the other beers in the pack soon.  A lager beer is 5 SPV but when I consume alcohol in a social situation, the points seem to multiply at rapid speed!

This would be why my weight loss is more successful when I am less social.

I’ve got my WW meeting this morning.  I’m really going to miss this group when I got back to graveyard shift in October.  Fingers crossed that I’ve balanced my eating out early in the week.

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