

Weekly WI: Holding Onto The 2-Teens

My WI on Tuesday had me at a loss of 0.2 pounds.  While in the weeks past, the low losses have been bumming me out, I was happy to still be in the 219s.  I tired really hard to track all of my out of town eating and to balance it once I was back in town. 

So, I’ll take the small loss.  It does feel like a bit of crunch time since our Europe vacation is just two weeks away.
My one month weight loss graph looks really good.

So does my six month weight loss graph.

It makes me feel really good to see my hard work pay off.  Even though I am not close to 200 pounds, I am still going to be “lighter by Europe” which was my goal at the start of the year.
I had planned to make a return to the gym this week.  After walking around the fair and standing at the concert, I lounged on Wednesday.  Today, I have plans to meet for coffee with one friend and then lunch with another.  I’ll try to pop into a class at the gym or at the very least, make sure I get some steps in.  I’ll be cleaning house for my jewelry, purse, and accessory party and running some grocery store errands.
I should have a good turnout for the party so I’m stoked.

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