

Weekly WI: Double The Meetings & Chnages to WW

It feels as though I had a double WI since I went to a meeting on Saturday last week and then again on Tuesday.  I had hoped going to a meeting on Saturday I’d learn more about the new Wellness that Works (WW) message branding that rolled out recently.  I didn’t really learn anything new that I hadn’t already read about in the emails I had been getting.  But, I was able to ask about the milestone charms and confirm they weren’t going away.  That is good.  And, I also had some questions about why I wasn’t getting any “wins” for tracking my weight/going to my “workshop” meetings.

So, for anybody that isn’t aware of the changes to WW, you still count points and are still doing the Freestyle program.  The only major change is that you earn “wins” for tracking your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and activity.  You also earn “wins” for checking in at your meeting, which is now called a “workshop”.  There are more changes in that our meeting room looks less…people…and more subdued.   I noticed instantly when going to my WW Center on Tuesday that the poster changed and have more of a solid color look like if you posted on Facebook or Instagram.

A “win” is a series of points awarded that can be redeemed for products.  There is a list of products and how many “wins” it takes to earn them.  I spotted these cute wine tumblers so I’m going to work on earning those.  When you redeem your “wins” for items, they are sent to your home with no shipping costs.  I figured it will take me about 6 months to earn my wine glasses.  Yippie!

I have a slight snag in that I am a Lifetime Member over goal and instead of subscribing to the Monthly Pass, I have been paying for my eTools separately from my weekly meeting fee.  This has also been costing me more and I have not been getting “wins” credit for entering my weight each week.  So, I signed up for the Monthly Pass since they were offering 30% off and waiving the $20 joining fee.  For the next three months, it will be costing me a lot less than I had been paying.  I am also hoping I’ll starting earing my “wins” again.  So far, I don’t see the change.  And, when I called WW of Salt Lake City, she told me our system isn’t integrated with the WW International system yet.  So…we will wait and see.

Our substitute meeting leader (I just can’t get used to calling them workshops) was asking what we thought about the new WW changes.  I really miss not celebrating the weight loss milestones.  I loved getting 5 pound stars and celebrating with other people as they lost weight each week.  We had a good chat about rewards and how you make your achievements special to you.

Oh…I should have told you that I lost 0.8 pounds.  I’m on my way to getting back into the 220s.  Yippie!

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