

Weekly WI: Downward Trend...Again

Good Morning and Happy Halloween!!!

I posted this on FB today. This was the costumes of the 80s. And look at those heavy coats? Welcome to Halloween in Idaho where our weather is unpredictable. It’s a bit cold today. We are hoping to get some treaters tonight. Being in a new neighborhood, you never know.

I had a great WI and was down 0.4 pounds. After blowing through all my points this last week (basically on just Saturday) I was hoping for a maintain so a loss is awesome! I’m also down 12.4 pounds from last year.

As we say goodbye to October, this brings my yearly loss total to 12.6 pounds. I’m planning to make November and December count!

I hope you all have a great evening, weather your decide to splurge on candy or not! I had a high point day yesterday and will be redeeming the last of the free birthday meals tonight so we can then get home and pass out candy. I’ve been doing some pre-tracking.

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