


I don’t love almond milk.

I’ve been trying this almond milk suggest about my prior WW Leader after my mom was talking about almond milk in place of coffee creamer. 

I do try to regulate my caffeine most days but I love coffee so much I could drink it all day long. Unfortunately half and half adds up. So I decided to give almond milk a try and I’ve been drinking it in my coffee at home for about a week.
What I don’t love about it is that it’s not as rich and creamy as half-and-half. I also don’t really like that I feel it takes away the flavor of my coffee. Since I spend the money for Verismo pods from Starbucks, I kind of feel like it’s a little bit of a waste of a espresso pod if I can’t taste the delicious Starbucks coffee.

What I do love about it is the taste when it iced versus hot. I actually don’t mind the taste of the coffee and the almond milk I brew my espresso over ice.

From here I think I either need to reduce the amount of almond milk per cup, I currently use 1oz per cup, or I need to use only the almond milk in place of adding any extra water. Since I drink Americanos, I brew my espresso pod and then add water. Maybe I need to stop adding water and just add almond milk? 

I’ll keep working on it because it is definitely less points than half and half. And while I don’t like it I don’t really hate it. I’m still trying to get my taste buds time to adjust. I found a toasted coconut version at Albertson’s hoping that maybe that might make me like it a little better. 

Nope. Well it smells like coconut it doesn’t really taste like coconut.

But since I have so much almond milk on hand, I picked up some sugar-free putting and I made myself some almond milk sugar-free putting. I will look at a recipe online which suggested 1 1/4 cups almond milk. Are used one cup regular and 1/4 cup coconut. I also decided to split it into three servings for 2 SPV each.

OK I could get behind almond milk if it was mixed with chocolate putting every time.

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