

Every Minute Adds Up

When I woke up on Friday, my foot/heal was really hurting.  I suspect it was my overzealous attitude to start exercise again.  Doh!  I wanted to stay committed to my November Activity Challenge but I also don’t want to overdo it at the very beginning.  I rolled out my foot on this trigger point ball I recently purchased and did some stretching.  It felt better and I knew I could try to make up some activity time on the treadmill at work.

I had to go to HR and pay my $20.  In an attempt to get the general funds up, they are allowing us to wear jeans each Friday for the month of November if you pay $20.  Sign me up!  I decided since I’d not gotten any activity minutes today that I would park at dispatch and walk to HR.  I also took the long way back so I could get a little bit more activity time. 

My jean stickers so everybody knows I'm legit

Activity doesn’t have to mean you are sweating and every minute adds up.  I’m hoping my foot will feel better tomorrow and I can get in some activity before work.  I have started tracking my activity days on a calendar with a tennis shoe emoji.

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