

New Addition To Our Household

While other people are buying pets and birthing babies, say hello to thenew addition to our household.

We’ve waited a water softener since we built our new house. The plumbing has been there but the choices of softeners through the builder was limited. So, we waited a while. After visiting the Boise Home Show abs talking to all the local dealers, we really liked Aquatech of Idaho. The owner came out to the house a couple weeks ago and did our water testing. Yesterday, we had our softener installed.

It was a lengthy process and since we also added the chlorine filter, the guy has to get under the house in the crawl space. The nice part is it gave me an opportunity to declitter, reduce, and reorganize. It feels so good to have the under stair storage looking better.

So far, I’m not sure I’ve noticed much difference. I’m hoping soon we will see a big difference in all our hard water build up. And, with the added chlorine filter, we don’t have to buy filters anymore for the fridge. Yeah!

If you are looking to install a water softener or have your water tested and get a quote, give Aquatech of Idaho a call.

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