

Quick Check In

I've been trying to lay low the last few days in hopes of kicking a cold I've come down with. Ugh. Despite having to cover for sick coworkers that last few weeks, I'm on overtime today and I'm back to training. So, my hands feel a bit tied on taking my turn to stay home and rest. I hope after today I'm turning a corner and will be on the downhill slope.

We had a nice date nite on Saturday with dinner at Old Chicago and a movie. I've got 8 of 10 items completed towards my I Love Beer Mini Challenge. The plan is to finish it off this evening so I hope I'm up for it. 

I am not sure what I'll do about my January Activity Challenge. I need rest and so I'm leaning towards keeping it easy. But, I also know I'll have a lot of make up if I scale back on exercise. I think I'll play it by ear and see how I feel. Again, I hope I'm turning a corner.

We saw Bohemian Rhaposdy at the cheap theater. I've been trying to see as many Oscar nominated films as possible (nominations come out on the 22nd). I thought it could easily take Best Actor but not Best Picture. Yesterday, I met Danielle and Kelsey to see Green Book. We really enjoyed that movie I could see it taking Best Picture.

Since I'm back to training at work, I'm going to do my best to keep up with blogposts. Training is quite exhausting itself but so worth while when your trainee is exceeding.

Have a great Monday.

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