

Weekly WI: 12 Year WW Anniversary

My WI last week was a good one, thankfully since I was hopped up on cold medicine all week.  I lost 3.2 pounds and am my lowest I’ve been in a few years.  The most exciting part is that I am 7.8 pounds from reclaiming my 100 pounds.  I am stoked and this makes me strive to stay focused.

Since today is a holiday at work, it is also JEANS DAY! I love when I get to wear jeans to work because it is so comfy and I tend to get up and out of my chair more too.  But, lately, I’ve been feeling so good in my clothes (and feeling good in general) that I know I’m rocking my jeans today.


We talked in our meeting about your WHY and the reason for not only joining WW but also the reason to continue on this journey.  My WHY has always been to ensure the airplane seatbelt fits.  My continued WHY is to get back under 200 pounds and to continue to feel good in my clothes.  And, finally, I’m hanging onto this mantra as my continued WHY.


I celebrated 12 years with WW on the 22nd.  Moving forward I don’t want to lose sight of all the times I’ve struggled but continued to push through and succeed.  Success looks differently for each person.  I spent all last year working on being more present and appreciating there here and now more than dwelling on the past.  I’m going to continue that in 2019 as I keep myself focused on moving forward.

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