

Friend Fun, Food, & Fitness


My work week starts today.  And, it is a snow day in Pocatello.  greaaaaaaat  But, my trainee and I got this!

Paint Nite last night with my girlfriends was really fun.  Neither Rebecca or Kate had been before and enjoyed it.  I picked this painting of LOVE so I could have something to hang up for February and Valentine’s Day.  Sadly, they didn’t have any red as a color option.  While we were given brown, mine turned out to look more orange.  I made a few mistakes too but they tell us we aren’t supposed to say that!  Fun was had by all.


A double rainbow after the rainstorm

I tried to shake up my meals this week and went in search for some thin bagels.  I also wanted to limit my grocery shopping and ended up at two different Albertson’s as I searched for caffeine free Coke Zero.  Sadly, Albertson’s doesn’t stock thin bagels but I wasn’t going to another store.  I found these thin rice cakes next to the bread isle and though I’d try something new.  Yesterday, I made my turkey sandwich on six of the rice cakes (2 SPV), turkey from Costco (0 SPV), and garden veggie cream cheese (2 SPV).  It was a really yummy lunch.


This morning, I made my usual Southwest Egg Beater egg cups so I have a quick breakfast for the work week.  Instead of my usual breakfast potatoes, I had three rice cakes (1 SPV) and cream cheese (2 SPV).  I was a bit heavy handed on the grapes.


I think some of my soreness is starting to subside.  I took one of the classes at the gym that was weights.  It was good because I was able to use different muscles than those affected by my weighted lunge Aaptiv workout on Saturday.  And, I really enjoyed the leader.  I plan to meet Kelsey later this week for some other gym classes.

I’ve gotta get those goal met!

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