

10 Year WW Lifetime Anniversary

Good Morning and Happy…what day is it…Sunday! 

Oh, and Happy Easter.

I’m really mixed up on my days this week but I’m looking forward to spending time with my family later today.


What an exciting memory to have pop up today.  I am very happy overall which now my Lifetime Journey has been thus far. 

I’ve had struggles along the way.

I never quit. 

I’ve been really depressed about my weight gain.

I never quit.

I haven’t always worked the program 100% perfectly.

I never quit.

There are times I have skipped meeting due to guilt for not being committed.

I never quit.


As tempting as quitting felt when I wasn’t 100% committed to health/weight loss/fitness, it wouldn’t have gotten me anywhere.  I have struggled many times and have had to pick myself up a time or two (well more than that).  The struggle is what has made me stronger and if I can continue to see past the storm to the blue skies ahead, I will come out okay.

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