

Weekly WI: Finally A Loss

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday

I’m working a four-hour OT this morning so I’ve been up before the sunrise.  I’ve got a hair appointment afterwards and then later this evening, a Rock Concert where my niece Hailey is playing guitar.

My WI yesterday went really well.  I was a bit nervous with my sugar intake towards the end of the week and my Jamberry Party on Monday night which included some party food and alcohol.  I lost 0.8 pounds, which I’m super stoked about. 


My first thought was, “Whew!  Not a gain.”  My second though was, “Oh, I wished it was more.”  Then, I realized that if I’d like to lose at least 2 pounds a month, maybe even 4 pounds a month, then I’m on a good track thus far.  I’ll keep it rolling this week.


We had a great meeting and I love my group so much.  The leader, Cindi, was back from her vacation and we started off the meeting refreshing last week’s topic of fixed mindset vs. growth mindset.  Cindi shared about the image on the white board at her Saturday meeting and I was able to find it online.


This is a great representation of how a growth mindset and being open to change, while scary, can be really rewarding.  I can think back to my own WW journey and how scared I was when I started.  I had such a large amount of weight to lose that it felt impossible.  At that time, I was focused on losing at least 15 pounds.  I remember very vividly how it felt when I reached goal and how I stood in front of a mirror in the dressing room at JC Penney in tears.  I had done it and it felt so good.

We shifted our meeting to this topic of the week which was about taking a break from weight loss.  Weight loss can get exhausting and at time really frustrating.  When that happens, it might be time to take a step back and relax while giving maintenance a go.  When in maintenance, you add 5 points to your DPA and you still get your WSPA.  It can sometimes take the pressure off the scale and maybe allow you to feel better overall.  Cindi stressed the importance of giving it an end date so you can come back at losing with a fresh mindset and attitude.


Cindi asked the group if we could weigh the exact same as we do now come Labor Day would you be happy?  Um…YES!  And, I can answer yes not because I’m where I want to be but because where I am is way better than being any heavier.  I’d be ecstatic to not have gained anymore come Labor Day.  Of course, my goal is to continue to lose weight so going into maintenance for me isn’t in the plan.  But, it is nice to know if I get mentally burned out, that taking a step back to refresh is always an option.

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