

Hello June

It is a new month.


May was a much better month for tracking and blue dots than April.  I’m happy with my successes but also know that I “fudged” the points a bit here and there.  My biggest struggle was near the end of my day.  It was either micro-managing my points and/or going over.  Sometimes I tracked the overage and sometimes I didn’t.  I get really sloppy the closer I get to my WI day.

Being loose with my tracking will eventually catch up to me and I’ll start to see a gain on the scale.  A new month helps me re-focus.  I want to keep earning those blue dots, tracking 100%, and make sure my WW game going staying strong.

I also want to de-clutter and organize my bedroom and closet this month.  Maybe even tackle some other closets too.  I’m looking forward to warmer weather, hopefully less rain, and some social time with my friends. 

Life is way too short to be miserable.  I hope you are out there living it.


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