

The Thursday Rush

I feel like I’m really behind today!

We slept in late, in fact Kenyon is still sleeping and it is almost noon.  I guess I had better go check on him.  I’ve got grocery shopping that needs to get done today and some meal planning.  I’ve done a rough highlight of a meal plan for the week and will be running to Costco and Walmart.  I decided to go with Grocery Pick Up at Walmart to save me some time.

It is a cool day today and would be perfect for a walk but again, feeling stressed on my time management.  I’m babysitting for a prior coworker this afternoon/evening at her house and I start back up at work tomorrow.  In fact, I’m hosting a Family Picnic in the park tomorrow for my coworkers so I’ve got to get my bring-your-own-picnic all ready to go as well.  Busy…busy…busy.

Lastly, I’ve got to get in some activity.  I think I’ll shower and changed into my workout clothes so I can run my errands, get in some steps, and then hopefully get in some treadmill time or an outside walk once I know the grocery shopping and meal planning has been done.  I was able to get 2.7 miles yesterday with no formal activity but I’m feeling really behind on my monthly challenge thus far.

Okay, I better get moving.  Tootles!

P.S. I redeemed some WW Wins for a new hat, Unstoppable.  It will be great for when I go out for walks and/or travel.

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