

Work Woes: The Sky Is Falling

It’s my Fri-Yay and an extended break from work due to Girls Weekend.  Fingers crossed nobody calling sick at work on my days off.

I am working the 10am – 8pm shift.  It looks like I dodged a bullet this morning as we had another major crash.  I have no idea what the heck is going on with the motoring public these days but my fellow dispatchers and troopers just can’t catch a break.  The worst part of it all isn’t the crash itself but all the look-e-loos who slow and/or stop to take a photo or a video.  Like seriously people?!?! 

Okay, rant over.

I had plans to sleep in and exercise today.  I was thankful to get my workout in on the treadmill yesterday because I was dead to the world later in the day.  I didn’t quite get in enough steps/miles but was glad to have gotten in some.  I had absolutely no motivation this morning for getting on the treadmill once my alarm went off.  After lying in bed on Facebook for way too long, I knew I needed to just do it.  Plus, I wasn’t able to eat or drink until my thyroid pills had a chance to get into my system so really, I had no excuse.  Thanks to FB memories today for also motivating me to get ‘er done.


I logged just over 2 miles on the treadmill while I watched a Lifetime book-to-screen movie by Jane Green.  I’ve read one of her novels and have enjoyed the two movies that Lifetime has aired thus far.  There is one more coming up next week.  This movie was called To Have And To Hold.  I really like Erica Christensen and I enjoyed this movie a lot.  Great supporting characters.

After my treadmill/movie walk, I got the kitchen cleaned up and my food all squared away for the day.  I always feel so good when I leave the house clean, have made the bed, and gotten in my exercise.  Surely that means today will be a great day! 

And with that…a few more crashes have come in.  Gotta go.

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