

Once In A Lifetime

Happy Monday!

I feel like I’m still trying to recover for the weekend and I’m also feeling a bit behind my usual organization on the cusp of vacation.  But…let’s talk about the last couple of days.

The Garth Brooks concert was amazing.  Garth held a concert in Boise 27 years ago so this was an epic concert and it was held on the “blue turf” of Albertson’s Stadium.  It was not only crazy to see the blue turf covered up but it was also amazing to see the sea of people.  After all, it was me and 44,000 of my closest friends!  Garth actually played two concerts after tickets for the first one sold out in about 35 minutes.  The Friday night show had an added bonus of Blake Shelton singing his new duet with Garth.  But, I also heard Friday had some audio problems, long lines to get in, and started really late.  I was glad Saturday went a little more smoothly and we couldn’t have asked for better weather.

Kenyon ended up coming down with a headache that afternoon so he stayed home.  I ended up being the new DD.  It was so hot and feeling like I needed to keep an eye on those in my group made it easy to stay sober.  I had a pre-beer at The Ram’s beer garden and also one at the stadium plus lots of water.  Oh, and I was able to sell Kenyon’s ticket just by chance at the beer garden.

Phoenix, Stacey, Katie, Nichole, Leticia, and her husband were all in attendance at the concert.  We ended up with great seats in the shade and really close to the stage.  Garth had a round stage with four huge screens so it was easy to be a part of all the action.

We jammed out for almost four hours, three of which Garth played.  It was seriously a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I never thought I’d see him in person in this lifetime.  It was amazing.

I didn’t get home until almost 2am since I had drop-offs to do as well as a couple of drive-thru options for food.  I should have planned better having water and snacks in the car afterwards.  I’ll remember that next time.

The last of my social events concluded on Sunday.  Phoenix and I had tickets, along with a group of her friends, to see The Golden Girls Live at The Egyptian.  It was a drag show that acted out two 30-minute episodes.

We had so much fun and the group did an excellent job.  In addition to have the music and some throw-back commercials, they even filmed the intro ahead of time for us to watch.  It was fantastic!

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