

Cleaning, Organizing, and De-Cluttering

Hello and Happy Thursday.

I’m in cleaning and organizing mode today.  There is a some sort of weird musty smell in the pantry.  I have no idea where it is coming from but it prompted an organization and de-cluttering morning.  Ahhh….feels so much better.

I am also in party cleaning mode today.  I am having a few friends over for a Patio Party early evening.  I suppose this will have to count for my activity too.

Tuesday I cleaned the top half of the house after my grocery errands.  Since I thought maybe I would hit my 200% that way, I also did an intense Aaptiv workout on the treadmill.  That wasn’t quite a enough and while I was exhausted, I wasn’t about to let the goal slip away after working that hard.  I showered off one round of sweat then moved into two short weight workouts.

Success!  I have completed one of four days this month earning 200%.

I’m not sure and it feels a bit like cheating, buy I want to move my Movement goal down to 400 calories.  I feel like earning 200% is easier if I have to reach 800 calories vs 1000 calories.  But, I know working towards the higher calorie goal will push me more.  I am just happy I have completed the task for this week.  I had thought maybe I could do it again today, however, I think I’ll give it a go again next week.

Okay, back to cleaning. Have a great day.

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