

Sunday Check-In

Happy Sunday

I don’t feel like I have much to report but thought I’d pop in and say hello.  My workday is almost done and I’ve got a quick grocery stop on the agenda.  I also need to log some activity.  I’ve taken the last days off from activity and while it has been helping my foot, my “bum hip” is now hurting.  I tell ya…if isn’t one thing it’s another!  Sadly, lack of activity does start to make my hip hurt since that means I’m sitting a lot more.  Better get in some movement today.

I’ve joined the Instagram Group #BlueDotPoppinWithPapi 


It is a group put together by WW Ambassador Nick (PapiHasGoals) to try and encourage honest tracking and staying within your points range thus earning a blue dot.  It has been proven to me time and time again that I have better losses when I focus on those blue dots.  I am more mindful of my food and of what is “important” enough to spend points on.  Plus, if I know I’m risking going over my points so I won’t earn a dot, I am less likely to indulge and/or maybe cut back elsewhere to make the points fit into my day and not feel deprived.  So, this time of group is right up my alley.

So far I am rocking those blue dots this month and I’ve also been slowly digging myself out of the WSPV hole I dug at the start of my week.  Kenyon and I took Hailey to dinner when she was spending the night to Cheesecake Factory for National Cheesecake Day and half priced cheesecake.  The sad part is I didn’t even love the cheesecake I selected but I still managed to eat it all of it in two different settings on the same day.  DOH!  I looked up the points…all 76 of them…and tracked it.  Boy did that hurt.  I went into the negative big time and by utilizing roll-over points along with earning my blue dots, I’m getting myself out of that hole.

I set some goal for the month of August to help me stay focused:

  • Track…track…track
  • I would like to see continuous losses this month.  They don’t have to be big but I am tired of this up/down roller coaster I’ve been riding and I’m ready to get off.  I want to see losses each week this month and staying on track is the first step
  • I will keep a positive attitude!
  • I am staying focused on that Apple Watch Challenge this month as well.

I hope you are having a great Sunday.

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