

Weekly WI: Post-Vacation July Numbers

I’m checking in with my July numbers…which aren’t that great.

I had a two-week post-vacation gain of 3.8 pounds.  I am a pro at gaining weight on vacation so this was expected.  I hate being in the 220s and I really want to kick this stubborn 20 pounds.

My year isn’t shaping yup really well either. 

I am up 5.4 pounds this year.  I have not had this much of a gain since I started my upward trend in in 2015/2016.  I is hard to stomach the numbers but important to not lose focus and continue to see that number climb.  I am confident I’ll get the scale number back down even though the first few days of my week have been a struggle.

I want to use the month of August to work on earning my blue dot and that will be my primary focus.  I am hoping for a successful loss at the scale as well much like when I earned the most blue dots in both January and March.  I’m still kicking myself for re-gaining so much from March to July when I had gotten down to an all-time low.  Not much I can do but keep having those difficult conversations with myself and get this gain turned around.

I’ll end this here since I want to stay on the positive but I’m feeling a bit of the negative.

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