

It's Monday - My New WI Day

Later today is WI Day.  I’m hopeful for a maintain but also prepping myself for a gain.  I really have no idea which way the scale will swing post-vacation.  I’m really happy with how the remainder of my week went.  I got on the home scale on Saturday morning to see that four pounds of my vacation weight has dropped off.  That was good to see.  I looked over my weight chart and I am really hoping that I can keep the gain minimal and my overall weight at 216 pounds.  This would at least re-set me again for 2019.  But again, I am really hoping to see a maintain.

I can’t believe October is almost here.  Wow!  It is my favorite month and I’m super stoked for birthday fun.  26 days until my 40th birthday.

Not much else to report.  Both Kenyon and I have come down with a head cold and I am hoping I’m on the downhill of it.  I have my first round of birthday plans on Friday so I must get well before then.  Our temperatures have taken a dive too and it is quite cold.  Some areas are even getting snow.  Yikes!
Have a great Monday.


175 Days...That's All Folks

I am very sad to report that after 175 faithful days, I have broken my Movement Streak.


So sad.

It wasn’t intentional.  With my rotation to the graveyard shift, I wasn’t awake and moving enough hours of the day to keep my streak alive. 


Oh well.  I guess I’ll have to keep working hard at earning it back. 

Today was the annual FitOne Race that I've patriated in several times in years past.  FB Memories had the photo from three years ago when I weighed 243 pounds. 

I remember telling Dawny during the race that this might be my last 10K as my body just can't keep up with long distances much.  I'm so thankful that over the last three years I got my act together again and lost 30 pounds.  It may be slow and steady but I'll reach that goal finish line eventually.


Back On Track & Back On Graveyard

It feels sooooooooo good to be back on track!

But, I am also back on graveyard at work so it has been a challenge as I feel like I am hungry all the time.  It doesn’t help that days off will now consist of watching TV at home on the couch in the middle of the night.  Eventually I will get back into exercise on my days-off-middle-of-the-night schedule.  For now, I am just trying to get my sleep turned around.

Since the WW App changes over a midnight, it can make electronic tracking on night shift harder.  I typically like to work my “WW Day” from wake-up to bed-time.  For the rest of this week I am going to try tracking from midnight to midnight.  The hard part of doing my tracking this way is that it is easy to game the system and just want until after midnight to eat since I have all new daily points available.  I suspect from here on out I will just pre-track my whole day before midnight and just count that was my “day”.  But, I’ll continue to play with it this week and see how I feel.  I want to be honest with my tracking as I still have about 25 pounds I want to lose.

I’ve also decided that I’ll ask my doctor for a new goal weight note when I see her in November.  I had wanted to wait and see where my weight would settle and how comfortable I felt.  But, the more I think about it the more I feel that 190 is the weight where I’d like to be.  I’ve done a lot of reflecting on this and it feels right.  I’ll have a conversation with my doctor at my next annual physical.  If she is also in agreement, I’ll put the note on file with WW and keep working towards that new goal weight.  I have a strong desire again to be a WW Coach and know that if I have that goal set, it make it that much more important to strive for.

I will admit I was a bit bummed with myself in my lack of willpower on vacation.  I got on my home scale the day after we arrived home so I had some idea of where I was currently at.  It isn’t pretty and it is crazy how I can gain so much in just a few short days.  The good news is that vacation weight is always temporary as long as you get right back on track.  I’m looking forward to popping into the Meridian WW Studio for an evening workshop where I’ve not been in over a year.  It will be a new-to-me WW Coach and I hope I have a good connection with her and the workshop members so I can continue my path of re-claiming my 100 pounds lost and getting under 200. 

I am more motivated than ever!


Oregon To Washington

We headed north for the second part of our adventures.  First on the agenda was a stop at the Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Shop north of Seattle.  

The travel geeks we are needed to see his store and allowed us to look at the various travel bags and suitcases.  I was surprised as to how small the store was but we enjoyed the experience.  I was eavesdropping and believe I overheard that Rick was out of the country.  I had to suffice with a photo of his cardboard cutout instead.

We continued east to the small Bavarian town of Leavenworth, WA.  It was adorable.

Upon the recommendation of my friend Kelsey, we had dinner at Andreas Keller.  It was delicious.  So very delicious that we ate there again the next night.  Oh man it was good.

Besides food, I drank my fare share of German beer including out of the 1 Liter glass.  That is my favorite way to drink German beer.  I didn’t love the beer at Icicle Brewing but I did enjoy the beer and bratwurst at the Leavenworth Beer Garden.  We popped into the Leavenworth Cider House where I enjoyed a flight sampling and Kenyon ordered a bratwurst.

When we weren’t eating or drinking, which is really what the majority of the town consists of, there was a visit to the Nutcracker Museum and a nature walk along the riverfront. 

We also enjoyed treats from the Gingerbread Factory and a horse drawn carriage ride through town.  

Our hotel choice, Leavenworth Village Inn was an excellent choice as it was right next to town which meant we could park our car and walk everywhere.  It was really fun to pop in/out of the shops and visit with the locals.

This was a fun little getaway and I’d love to return as a future Girls Weekend trip.


Oregon International Air Show 2019

Hello and Happy Monday from the road.

We traveled over to the west coast for the Oregon International Air Show and to see the highlight of the show, The Red Arrows, who are from England and were in town preforming.  We attended the show on Saturday which was very lucky because they had to cancel the Sunday performance due to weather.  Oh man, I feel so sad for all those that missed out on Sunday.  The Red Arrows performance was the highlight of the trip.

The last few days have had some highs and lows.  I’m going to lay them out for you (which is how Tina at Carrots N’ Cake likes to do).

High: Getting To See A College Friend
We drove to Oregon on Thursday afternoon and arrived in time to visit with my college friend Lisa as well as enjoy dinner with her cute family.  Our last visit to the Oregon Coast was in 2009 so it was great to see Lisa and Brian again as well as meet their 8-year old son Hudson.  We had dinner at this really cute German restaurant called Gastov’s.  I would have loved to had more time to explore more of the menu.

Low: Portland Traffic
We made Vancouver, WA our home for the four nights we were in town.  This was partly due to the overall trip and partly due to who we wanted to see.  So, we made the decision to drive to McMinnville each day for the air show as well as one day to the Oregon Coast.  Oh man, Portland traffic is bad.  And, there were so many crashes along the route to McMinnville.  Oy!  What a headache.

High: Friday Night Fireworks & Saturday Red Arrows
We had so much fun at the Oregon International Air Show and Kenyon even got us front row reserved seats.  It was awesome to be up close with the action.  Friday night was the night show with a couple of performances and then a huge firework display.  The show opened with “The Greatest Show” and ended with “Burning Man” which included fire.  It was epic.

Of course Saturday was the highlight.  We arrived a bit later in the day so we could sleep in longer and were moving a bit slower on Day 2.  We knew the Red Arrows would be the last to perform and it worked out well arriving late since we had seen several of the performances either the night before or at Oshkosh.  The Red Arrows were just spectacular.  

I still think seeing them preform made the rest of the traffic and dis-origination around McMinnville Airport worth it.

High: Old Spaghetti Factory
We stumbled across an OSF on our way to McMinnville.  We love OSF so it was a special treat.

Low: Traffic & Air Show Dis-Organization 
Holy Traffic!  Friday we parked at the Evergreen Aviation Museum and planned to take the shuttle to the airport for the night show.  We had a great time at the museum and paid extra for a cockpit tour of a Spruce Goose.  

The shuttles to the airport were not anywhere near organized and thankfully we left plenty of time to make it across the busy SH18 only to find out we had to walk about a half a mile to the gate.  DOH!  Day 2 was even worse.  We thought we would pay the extra $5 to be closer of a walk and to avoid the shuttle from the museum.  While it worked out great getting to the gate, getting out of the parking lot was a nightmare.  45 minutes later, we made it to SH18 to find all roads and alternate routes grid locked with traffic and crashes.  UGH!  Kenyon made a big loop and decided to drive 23 extra miles one way to Salem to then hit I5 and go back north.  Three hours later we finally made it to our hotel.  DOH!

High: Kenyon winning $200 And A Visit With A High School Friend
We went to the Ilani Resort Casino to meet with my high school friend Drew and his husband Nicholas.  We had also planned to attend the free Wilson Phillips Concert at the casino but since it took us so long to get back to the hotel from the air show we missed it.  Kenyon won $200 at the slots.

High: A Visit To Tillamook Cheese Factory & Ice Cream
We drove to Tillamook and also down SH101 on the Oregon Coast. I love cheese curds.  We also enjoyed a pizza and two scoops of ice cream. Oh yeah!  That is the good stuff.

Low: Kenyon Losing $200 And Me Losing Too

We went back to the casino on Saturday night for dinner and more gambling.  Whomp Whomp.  We both lost.  Darn it!

I'll be back with Part 2 of our travel adventures.