

Positivity & Renewed Focus To Continue Forward

Facebook Memories popped up a photo from seven years ago.

When you reach goal you are given a charm and another one when you reach Lifetime (the above charm is the old school key).  If you weigh-in within your goal range, two pounds below or above your goal weight, ten months within a calendar year, you are given another key charm.  *disclaimer, I am not sure if they are still hanging out extra charms with the new WW program changes.  

Earning these charms gave me extra incentive during my Maintenance journey and to keep myself within my goal range.  This FB Memory might have been the last key charm I received so it is a bitter sweet memory.  Looking over my weight record I might have earned my last charm in 2013.  From that year on, goal slipped further away and I was never able to get my weight back down.  This is partly why I am planning to ask my doctor for a new note with a new goal weight of 190.

I really try to look at the glass as half full and after struggling for so long in a negative headspace with weightloss/maintenance, it feels good to be in a positive space again.  Working back towards an achievable goal give me renewed focus and pride in my WW journey and my accomplishments.

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